Tuff Stuff - The ROCK ANTENNE Heavy Metal Interview Podcast

TUFF STUFF! Every Saturday from 11 pm, German Rock Radio station ROCK ANTENNE brings Heavy Metal's finest to you. The Tuff Stuff Heavy Metal Interview Podcast accompanies the Radioshow - here, you get full-length interviews with the biggest, coolest, most badass musicians of the world of Hard'n'Heavy Music. Subscribe to never miss an episode and feel free to leave us likes, comments & feedback anytime!

By the way: Most interviews will be in English, sometimes we will also include interviews with German metal musicians in German language. This will be marked in the subtitle.

Listen to ROCK ANTENNE on the Web: https://www.rockantenne.de/rockhoeren/streams/live
Listen to Heavy Metal nonstop in our free ROCK ANTENNE Heavy Metal Stream: https://www.rockantenne.de/rockhoeren/streams/heavy-metal

Tuff Stuff - The ROCK ANTENNE Heavy Metal Interview Podcast

Latest episodes

Chris Caffery / SAVATAGE

Chris Caffery / SAVATAGE

36m 14s

In our exclusive ROCK ANTENNE interview, we have the privilege of speaking with Chris Caffery from the legendary band Savatage. We explore the miracle of the reunion of this iconic band, which has captivated fans around the globe.

Chris shares exciting insights into the upcoming concerts and we also pay tribute to the band's visionary founder, Paul O'Neil, whose creativity and vision have profoundly shaped Savatage. Get ready for a conversation filled with musical history!

Dani Löble / HELLOWEEN

Dani Löble / HELLOWEEN

32m 33s

Eine halbe Stunde pure Unterhaltung: Helloween-Schlagzeuger Dani Löble hat mit Thomas Moser im exklusiven ROCK ANTENNE Interview über so einige Themen geredet - aber vor allem haben sie sehr viel gelacht! Es geht zum einen um das Live Album "Live At Budokan" in Japan, und zum anderen auch um Kindermalbücher und Ruhe beim Konzert. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

Tom Angelripper / SODOM

Tom Angelripper / SODOM

32m 7s

Tom Angelripper von Sodom war bei uns im exklusiven ROCK ANTENNE Interview zu Gast und hat einiges über die Zukunftspläne der Band erzählt. Zum einen sind mehrere Re-Releases geplant, das erste zu "Tapping The Vein". Aber auch alte Geschichten und Anekdoten zu den unendlich vielen Songs von Sodom hat Tom ausgeplaudert - hört rein!

Caleb Shomo / BEARTOOTH

Caleb Shomo / BEARTOOTH

14m 6s

A year ago, Beartooth released the album "The Surface" - now, the band has put out a deluxe version that includes a new song! In our exclusive interview with ROCK ANTENNE, singer Caleb Shomo discusses what the song "ATTN." means to him and what he has planned for the current tour in Germany.